playthreecardpoker| Increase in repurchase dividends and adopt a multi-pronged approach to Jerry shares to actively reward investors

2024-05-19 0 Comments

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Recently, Jerry shares disclosedplaythreecardpokerAccording to the repurchase progress of the company, as of April 30, the company has repurchased a total of 556% of the company's shares through the special securities account for share repurchase.playthreecardpoker.360,000 shares, with a transaction amount of approximately 1playthreecardpoker.71 billion yuan (excluding transaction fees).

end of January this year,playthreecardpokerIn order to safeguard the company's value and investors 'rights and interests, guide investors to invest in long-term rational value, enhance investors' confidence, and promote the company's long-term and stable development, Jerry has launched the 2024 share repurchase plan. The announcement shows that the company plans to spend 150 million yuan to 250 million yuan for share repurchase, at a repurchase price of no more than 40.00 yuan/share, and the repurchased shares will be used for employee stock ownership plans.

playthreecardpoker| Increase in repurchase dividends and adopt a multi-pronged approach to Jerry shares to actively reward investors

In 2023, the company also implemented share repurchase, repurchasing a total of 6.6484 million shares of the company that year. At the same time, in 2023, the company also cancelled 3.0971 million shares repurchased in 2020. In addition, the company's directors and senior executives implemented an increase plan with a total amount of 8.7838 million yuan, and the controlling shareholder also signed a commitment letter not to reduce shares.

Jerry shares said that the company focuses on safeguarding the rights and interests of investors. While pursuing economic benefits, the company strives to create sustained and stable returns for investors. According to the company's 2023 profit distribution plan, the company plans to distribute a cash dividend of 500.3 million yuan. The reporter sorted out and found that since Jerry shares were listed, it has paid dividends 14 times, with a cumulative dividend amount of 1.818 billion yuan.

Jerry shares actively builds a clear and clear investor return mechanism, continues to give back to investors through repurchase, increased holdings, dividends, etc., and establishes a good corporate image in the capital market.

At the same time, the company attaches great importance to information disclosure. In 2023, the company disclosed 170 announcements through regular reports and interim announcements to comprehensively, accurately and transparently disclose company information. As of 2023, the company has obtained the Shenzhen Stock Exchange's information disclosure assessment rating of Level A for four consecutive years.

In addition, the company has continuously improved the investor communication mechanism, formulated the "Investor Relations Management System", and actively established trust with investors through multiple channels such as investor hotlines, email boxes, interactive links, official website columns, performance briefing meetings, strategy meetings, and on-site surveys. In 2023, the company received hundreds of investors of all types, organized performance explanation meetings and research activities, and released activity records in a timely manner. It responded to 160 questions from investors in writing throughout the year, with a response rate of 100%.