extremelightningroulette| What does proxy ratio mean in stocks? What does proxy ratio mean in stock trading?

2024-05-26 0 Comments

In the field of stock investment,"commitment ratio" is a key indicator that provides investors withextremelightningrouletteProvides insights into market sentiment and trading activity. However, many investors are not very clear about the meaning of "delegated comparison" and how to interpret it. This article aims to help investors better understand "proxy ratio" and explain its importance in stock trading.

What is delegated comparison?

Entrusted ratio, or entrusted sales ratio, refers to the relative proportion of buying and selling orders in the market within a certain period of time. Specifically, the commission ratio is the ratio obtained by comparing the total purchase order with the total sale order. This ratio can reflect market participants 'expectations and attitudes towards the future trend of stock prices.

Calculation method of commission ratio

The calculation formula of the commission ratio can be expressed as: commission ratio = (total purchase amount/total sale amount) × 100%

With this formula, we can get a percentage value. If the commission ratio is greater than 100%, it means that the buying power is strong; if it is close to 100%, it means that the buying and selling power is balanced; if it is less than 100%, it means that the selling power is dominant.

Application scenarios of entrusted comparison

In stock trading, proxy ratio is an important real-time indicator that can help investors quickly judge the supply and demand status of the market. For example, when the commission ratio continues to be above a certain threshold, it may indicate that buying is positive and the stock price has potential to rise; on the contrary, if the commission ratio continues to be below a certain threshold, it may indicate that selling pressure is high and the stock price is at risk of falling.

Combined use of commission ratios and other indicators

Although proxy ratio is an important indicator, it does not fully represent all information about the stock market. Therefore, when using proxy ratios, investors should also combine other technical indicators and fundamental analysis, such as trading volume, stock price trend, price-earnings ratio, etc., to obtain more comprehensive market information.

case demonstration

In order to help investors better understand the application of delegated comparison, we can demonstrate it through a simple case. Suppose that the real-time order of a certain stock is as shown in the following table:

Total time paid (lots) Total sales orders (lots) Entrusted ratio (%)10extremelightningroulette:00120080015010:3090010009011:00700110064

As can be seen from the above table, the commission ratio reached 150% at 10:00, indicating that buying is significantly stronger than selling, and the market sentiment is optimistic. As time went by, the ratio gradually decreased, and by 11:00, it had dropped to 64%, indicating that the buying power had weakened and selling began to dominate. Investors can adjust their trading strategies based on such changes in contract ratios.

extremelightningroulette| What does proxy ratio mean in stocks? What does proxy ratio mean in stock trading?

By deeply understanding the meaning and application of arbitration, investors can analyze market dynamics more scientifically and provide strong data support for investment decisions. At the same time, keep in mind the uncertainty of the market, reasonably use arbitration and other indicators, and combine personal investment experience and risk tolerance to make wise investment choices.