dreamjackpot| Ke Ruiwen, Chairman of China Telecom: Continue to tackle key problems in general large models and quantum computing cloud platforms

2024-05-24 0 Comments

dreamjackpot| Ke Ruiwen, Chairman of China Telecom: Continue to tackle key problems in general large models and quantum computing cloud platforms

On May 24, the 7th Digital China Construction Summit was held in Fuzhou. Ke Ruiwen, chairman of China Telecom, said that China Telecom continues to increase its scientific and technological innovation efforts. In the field of cloud and cloud network integration, it has broken through "stuck neck" technologies such as cloud operating systems. The cloud base platform has freed itself from open source restrictions and created a unified intelligence and super-integrated intelligence computing acceleration platform "Yunxiao", one-stop smart computing service platform "Huiju", and computing power scheduling platform "Xilang".

"In the next stage, China Telecom will focus on key technologies such as heterogeneous cloud scheduling, smart computing networks, and cloud network operating systems, and continue to contribute innovative solutions to the high-quality supply of computing power resources. In the fields of artificial intelligence, quantum, and networks, we will continue to tackle key problems in general large models and quantum computing cloud platforms, accelerate research on 6G network architecture and standards, and actively seize the commanding heights of technological competition and future development." Ke Ruiwen said.

Ke Ruiwen said that in recent years, China Telecom has continued to deepen corporate reforms, established technology companies such as quantum, artificial intelligence, and unmanned technology, comprehensively optimized production and operation processes with Yunzhong as the hub, and improved a market-oriented approach that equalizes responsibilities, rights, and emphasizes incentives and constraints. Mechanismdreamjackpot; The next stage will push the reform into the stage of system integration, strive to open up the cycle from technology, products to industry, and stimulate the vitality of various factors.

In addition, in recent years, China Telecom has continued to deepen the project of strengthening enterprises with talents, comprehensively promoted the transformation of its talent team, and introduced corporate strategy-level scientists and leading scientific and technological talents in AI, quantum, cloud computing and other fields; in the next stage, it will improve the company's global talent layout and continue to increase efforts to introduce and cultivate talents, build a talent exchange platform, and drive the improvement of innovation capabilities in the industrial chain. China Telecom will promote and practice entrepreneurship, improve the resource organization and allocation capabilities of managers at all levels, and promote the convergence and flow of various advanced and high-quality production factors towards the development of new productive forces.