modernpokertable| Hot spots are rotating rapidly, high dividends are constant, and the underlying index of Value ETF (510030) continues to outperform the market! Institutions: Market confidence is expected to further gather

2024-05-24 0 Comments

Since 2024, the disk has been moving rapidly, and the popular plate "after you sing, I will take the stage". However, there is a main line, its market from the beginning of the year to now, whether the market is a correction or a rise, its performance is very bright, it is a high dividend.

Take ETF (510030), which focuses on the value of blue-chip stocks with "high dividend + undervalued" as an example, as of yesterday's close, its underlying index has risen as much as 15% since the beginning of the year.Modernpokertable.15%, substantially outperforming the Shanghai Composite Index in the same period (4Modernpokertable.75%), CSI 300 Index (6.14%).

And from the K chart, the 180 value index is more robust than the Shanghai Composite Index, and it has not fallen significantly in almost any time period since the beginning of the year, including a sharp correction in January.

Note: the K chart is the 180 value index trend, and the yellow line is the Prev trend for the same period.

180 value index stocks include 26 "Chinese prefix" enterprises, involving finance, infrastructure, energy and other industries closely related to the national economy, may benefit to a greater extent from the stabilization and rebound of the domestic economy.

With the further strengthening of policy support and other factors, the stabilization of the domestic economy is becoming clearer and clearer. Recently, a number of foreign institutions have been bullish on China, with JPMorgan saying that in March it had raised its forecast for China's economic growth in 2024 to 5.2 per cent from its forecast of 4.9%GDP growth at the end of last year. In 2024, JPMorgan Chase's basic scenario for Shanghai and Shenzhen 300s is 3900 points, and there will be more industries to benefit from industry configuration than in 2023.

In purchasing power parity terms, China currently accounts for 19 per cent of global GDP and 48 per cent of Asian GDP. The CEO of JPMorgan Chase Asia Pacific said that the company has been operating here for 103 years, so it takes a long-term view of China and will be here for the next 100 years.

Meanwhile, Goldman Sachs said overseas hedge funds had increased their holdings of Chinese stocks for the fourth consecutive week.

Looking to the future, Citic Construction Investment said that at present, the domestic economic boom continues to improve, and the issuance of ultra-long-term treasury bonds and the rekindling of Fed interest rate cut expectations have heightened market optimism again. coupled with the emergence of positive signals such as the introduction of a number of positive policies and the elimination of the "black sheep" by regulators, market confidence is expected to further consolidate and help foreign investors return to A-shares.

modernpokertable| Hot spots are rotating rapidly, high dividends are constant, and the underlying index of Value ETF (510030) continues to outperform the market! Institutions: Market confidence is expected to further gather

Value Investment, choose "value"Modernpokertable! Value ETF (510030) closely tracks the SSE 180 value Index, which takes the SSE 180 Index as the sample space, and selects the 60 stocks with the highest value factor score as sample stocks, covering 26 "medium prefix" stocks! The constituent stocks of the Shanghai 180 value Index are all blue-chip stocks with "low valuation + high dividend", including leading stocks in financial sectors such as Ping an of China, China Merchants Bank, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, as well as leading stocks in sectors such as infrastructure and resources, with high dividend yields. it has a better defensive attribute in the fluctuating market.

The pictures and data of this article come from Wind, Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges, Warburg Fund, etc., as of 2024.5.23. Risk Tip: value ETF passively tracks the SSE 180 value Index, which has a base date of 2002.6.28 and a release date of 2009.1.9. The composition of the index stocks is timely adjusted according to the rules of the index, and its historical performance does not predict the future performance of the index. It is mentioned in the article that individual stocks are only objectively displayed and enumerated as index stocks, are not recommended as any individual stocks, and do not represent the fund manager and the direction of fund investment. Any information that appears in this article (including but not limited to individual stocks, comments, forecasts, charts, indicators, theories, any form of expression, etc.) is for reference only and the investor is responsible for any discretionary investment behavior. In addition, any views, analyses and forecasts in this article do not constitute any form of investment advice to the reader, and the Company is not responsible for any direct or indirect losses arising from the use of the contents of this article. Investors should carefully read the fund legal documents such as the fund contract, the prospectus and the summary of fund product data, understand the risk-return characteristics of the fund, and choose products suitable for their own risk tolerance. The fund's past performance does not represent its future performance, which is managed by fund managers.ModernpokertableThe performance of his fund does not constitute a guarantee of fund performance. According to the assessment of fund managers, the risk level of value ETF is R3-medium risk, which is suitable for investors with appropriateness rating C3 (balanced) and above. Sales institutions (including fund managers, direct selling institutions and other sales institutions) conduct risk assessment of the above funds in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, investors should pay attention to the appropriateness opinions issued by fund managers in a timely manner, the opinions of all sales institutions on appropriateness are not necessarily the same, and the risk grade evaluation results of fund products issued by fund sales institutions shall not be lower than those made by fund managers. In the fund contract, the characteristics of risk and return of the fund and the risk grade of the fund are different due to different factors to be considered. Investors should understand the risk and return of the fund, and carefully choose the fund products and bear the risk according to their own investment purpose, term, investment experience and risk bearing capacity. The registration of the above funds by the CSRC does not mean that it makes a substantial judgment or guarantee on the investment value, market prospects and returns of the fund. Funds should be invested with caution.