pennfierce3le| Bank of Guizhou Pingba Branch was fined 200,000 yuan for failing to perform due diligence in post-loan inspection and untrue use of funds

2024-05-23 0 Comments

Financial front-line news on May 23pennfierce3le, the Administrative Penalty Information Disclosure Form of Anshun Supervision Branch of the State Financial Supervision and Administration shows thatpennfierce3le, Pingba Branch of Bank of Guizhou Co., Ltd. was fined 200,000 yuan for failing to perform its duties in post-loan inspection and untrue use of funds.

pennfierce3le| Bank of Guizhou Pingba Branch was fined 200,000 yuan for failing to perform due diligence in post-loan inspection and untrue use of funds

Liu Yu, then deputy president of Pingba Branch of Bank of Guizhou Co., Ltd.(presiding over the work), was responsible for the above-mentioned violations and was warned.