100freespinscoinmaster2021| ETF Midday Review 丨 The education sector rose, and the education ETF rose 2.77%

2024-05-14 0 Comments

The A-share market fluctuated in early trading. By midday100freespinscoinmaster2021Prev index fell 0.100freespinscoinmaster2021.12%100freespinscoinmaster2021, Shencheng index fell 0.100freespinscoinmaster2021.01%, the gem index fell 0.18%. The half-day turnover on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets was 527 billion, a decrease of 42.4 billion compared with the previous trading day. In terms of plates, games, automobiles, MR, household light industry and other plates led the increase, while coal, precious metals, gas, securities and other plates led the decline.

100freespinscoinmaster2021| ETF Midday Review 丨 The education sector rose, and the education ETF rose 2.77%

As for ETF, the education sector led the gains, with Boshi Fund Education ETF up 2.77 per cent. The game sector is active, with Pu Yin Axa Fund Game Media ETF and Huaxia Fund Game ETF rising 2.73% and 2.64% respectively. Chinese medicine sector rose, Huitianfu fund traditional Chinese medicine ETF, Penghua fund Chinese medicine ETF rose 2.61%, 2.56% respectively. Science and Internet stocks rose, Boshi Fund Hong Kong stocks Internet ETF, China Merchants Fund in the Internet ETF rose 2.24%, 1.94% respectively.

The energy sector led the decline, with coal ETF and energy ETF falling 2.41% and 1.55% respectively. Home appliances plate adjustment, leading home appliances ETF, home appliances ETF leader fell 1.62%, 1.36%. Smart car sector fell, smart tram ETF fell 1.53%. The dividend sector fell, with the Hong Kong stock dividend ETF falling 1.35 per cent.