worldcup2022qualifiersasiatable| The scholarly society welcomes new assistance, and China Mobile releases financial reading solutions

2024-04-24 0 Comments

During the third National Reading Conference, the 2024 Enterprise Digital Learning Innovation Forum was successfully held in Kunming. This forum invites hundreds of ecological partners from eight major industries, including finance, energy and land reclamation, to focus on new trends, new contents and new technologies in the field of enterprise digital learning. At the site of the forum, the Financial Development Department of the Government and Enterprise Division of China Mobile Group and Migu Digital Media Co., Ltd. focused on the enterprise learning scene in the financial field and released the financial readable solution.

Financial readability is a financial industry customer learning and training information solution jointly launched by the Financial Industry Development Department of the Government and Enterprise Division of China Mobile Group and Migu Digital Media Co., Ltd. Combined with the customization of customer portraits and user preferences in the financial field, based on the characteristics of financial enterprises' learning content preference, such as high knowledge and foresight, scattered organizational characteristics, new and diverse form preferences and attention to safety and compliance, facing the scenarios of manpower training, union reading, party building learning and customer service, upgrade the traditional enterprise learning model from three aspects: content, science and technology, integration and innovation. Rely on the technology base from "5G +" to "Al+" to provide the technology engine for the solution. Empower traditional books and e-books with new technology, give birth to new quality content products such as meta-universe study and AI bookchild, and build a "book + N" content central kitchen; through the content central kitchen, innovative reading and learning services can be provided for the financial scene.

Content empowering, constructing "complete", "vertical" and "refined" learning system

Content is the core of enterprise learning. Enterprises in the financial field generally have a strong learning foundation and certain employees' reading habits, so they put forward the learning content.Worldcup2022qualifiersasiatableHigher requirements have been made. China Mobile Migu has multiple content forms, such as paper books, e-books, audio and video courses, etc., with more than 700000 full-category books; focusing on the knowledge needs of economic and financial subdivision, the coverage rate of vertical books is up to 80%; in operation, we pay attention to the fine recommended guidance of hierarchical and graded posts, and subdivide 15 types of financial content differential labels.

worldcup2022qualifiersasiatable| The scholarly society welcomes new assistance, and China Mobile releases financial reading solutions

Technology-driven, providing intelligent learning service with the integration of data and reality

With the empowerment of new quality productivity, innovative technology enables enterprises to learn more wisely, which is also the main feature of financial readable solutions. Financial enterprises have the characteristics of decentralized organization, put forward higher requirements for the autonomy, flexibility and intelligence of learning, and pay attention to the improvement of learning efficiency. Combined with big data, Financial Yuet solution provides all-staff reading, data mapping, intelligent operation and other services to make learning more accurate and efficient; combined with AI+, to provide AI recommendations, AI lectures, AI Q & An and other services to make learning more intelligent; combined with XR, provide metacosmos library, VR real-time classroom, holographic sand table and other services to make learning more immersive.

Integrate and innovate to help build an efficient and enterprising learning organization

The construction of learning organization is the construction of corporate culture and scholarly atmosphere. For financial enterprises which already have a certain reading basis, innovative learning service forms accelerate the development of efficient and enterprising learning organization. Financial reading solutions provide enterprises with three major innovative services, namely, learning activity operation, learning portrait service, and learning brand building, including online and offline learning activities, learner maps, media promotion, learning brand building and other diversified forms, in order to activate employees' willingness to read, cultivate reading habits and create a bookish atmosphere.

Finance is pleasant to read and wise to enlighten the future. Based on the customer base of China Mobile's government and enterprises in the financial field for many years and the base of Migu's enterprise knowledge learning service capability, based on reading by the whole people, anchoring the enterprise learning scene, so far, it has cumulatively covered eight major industries, such as finance, energy, health care, and served more than 10,000 customers of government and enterprises, including six major state-owned banks, some joint-stock banks and city commercial banks. Taking the release of the financial readable solution as an opportunity, China Mobile will further rely on content, technology and integrated innovation to create a richer, wiser and more efficient corporate learning experience, jointly build a new ecology of financial readability, and contribute to the scholarly society.

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