luckcalicoph| Changjiang Lead Industry Network: Overnight lead rose 1.11% and reduced production of recycled lead pushed up spot lead may rise today

2024-04-24 0 Comments

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Overnight lead rose 1.Luckcalicoph.11%, pushed up by factors such as shortage of raw materials and reduced production of recycled lead.LuckcalicophThe downstream lead battery industry is facing off-season pressure and spot lead prices are expected to rise.

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[overnight lun lead rebounded 1.11%, spot lead price may rise] the dollar fell, overnight lun lead alone closed up 1.11%; the inventory of finished products in the lead battery industry has obviously accumulated, but the shortage of raw materials such as battery concentrate constitutes the support, coupled with the reduction of recycled lead production and push up, lead is now or rising.

Overnight lead rebounded firmly, opening at $2164 / ton, high at $2192, low at $2141, and last closed at $2184, up $24, or 1.11%. Trading volume of 6600 lots decreased by 1826 lots, while positions increased by 139180 lots. In the evening, the main 2406 contract of Shanghai lead rose and stabilized, closing at 16965 yuan / ton, up 130 yuan, or 0.77%.

luckcalicoph| Changjiang Lead Industry Network: Overnight lead rose 1.11% and reduced production of recycled lead pushed up spot lead may rise today

Changjiang lead industry network today spot lead price forecast: non-ferrous plate long profit leaving, superimposed U. S. manufacturing PMI initial value hit a four-month low in April to depress market sentiment, overnight LME metal fell. Lun lead, boosted by a rebound in US stocks, falling US bond yields and a fall in the dollar index, bottomed out and rebounded firmly to close 1.11% higher at $2184. Under the traditional off-season pressure, most enterprises choose to reduce production and overhaul, but the inventory of industrial finished products is still obviously accumulated. The shortage of raw materials such as waste batteries and lead concentrates still constitutes a cost support, coupled with reduced production of recycled lead to further push up lead prices. Under the pattern of double decline in supply and demand, Shanghai lead continues to fluctuate at a high level, holders ship goods on the market, and the superimposed discount narrows the market inquiry atmosphere. Downstream still maintain on-demand procurement, spot bulk order transactions slightly improved, coupled with the demand for stock before the May Day short holiday is expected to drive to the warehouse, lead is expected to rise today.