uniqueplayingcards| Microsoft Bing is suspected to have a global outage and domestic and foreign netizens complain

2024-05-24 0 Comments

Microsoft Bing is suspected to have a global outage and domestic and foreign netizens complain

[CNMO Technology News] On the afternoon of May 23, many users reported on Weibo that Microsoft's browser Bing had a malfunction and could not search and log in normally.


Judging from the feedback from many netizens, Bing's main home page was a problem this time. There were situations where the web page could not be opened normally and users could not log in. After actual measurement by CNMO Technology, it was found that as of 17:30 p.m., the related problems had not been fixed. After searching, a panda pattern will pop up on the page and write honestlyuniqueplayingcards:"It's not you, it's me.""Bing is not here right now, but everything should go back to normal."

Bing web page cannot be opened

Some users reported that the Bing crash did not only occur in China, but was a problem involving users around the world. Some netizens said that their IP cannot open Bing abroad, and many foreign netizens have reported this problem on X. Some foreign netizens also reminded: "Remind me, there are very few search engines. Qwant, Ecosia, etc. are not search engines, just Bing interfaces. When Bing crashes, they crash." From this point of view, the impact of Bing's collapse is very wide.

uniqueplayingcards| Microsoft Bing is suspected to have a global outage and domestic and foreign netizens complain

Feedback from foreign netizens on X

Due to problems with Bing, Microsoft's large model Copilot was also partially affected. Since users cannot log in normally, they can only use the default normal mode when using Copilot, and historical conversation records cannot be viewed.

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(This article comes from Mobile China)