cashbandits3nodepositbonuscodes2022| Great Wall Motors official response to a fire at a Xinjiang tank 4S shop: caused by a short circuit in the transformer box

2024-05-22 0 Comments

China Net Auto, May 22, a fire broke out in a Xinjiang tank 4S shop recentlycashbandits3nodepositbonuscodes2022, a witness said: "At 12 a.m., I passed by and sawcashbandits3nodepositbonuscodes2022Yes, it started with a small fire on the second floor, and then it became bigger and bigger. The glass exploded, and the police were called..." On May 22, Li Ruifeng, CGO of Great Wall Motors (601633) Co., Ltd., officially responded on his social platform: At about 12 o'clock last night, a fire broke out in the Xinjiang Tianyu Huajun dealership due to a short circuit in the substation. Fortunately, no one was injured. Three exhibition cars were slightly damaged due to falling ceilings.

At the same time, Li Ruifeng said that it is currently the peak tourist season in Xinjiang, and many customers ask about car purchase and maintenance matters. Taking into account the users 'needs for car lifting, maintenance and after-sales, the team quickly formulated a solution:

1. There are currently 5 Tank Wei brand 4S stores in Urumqi. Users of Tianyu Huajun store can choose from the other 4 4S stores for after-sales services and provide door-to-door pickup and delivery services.

2. For users of the store's vehicles waiting to be picked up, the official will use the opposite Tank City Exhibition Hall to provide sales reception and vehicle delivery services. At the same time, all four 4S stores can provide door-to-door test drive services to ensure users 'car purchase experience.

3. In order to comprehensively protect users 'car purchase, car experience and dealers' property safety, officials have required dealers across the country to conduct safety hazard investigations.

cashbandits3nodepositbonuscodes2022| Great Wall Motors official response to a fire at a Xinjiang tank 4S shop: caused by a short circuit in the transformer box