freeeuropeanroulette| The little red book collapsed! The platform was exposed to adopt children. Official emergency response

2024-05-22 0 Comments

[TechWeb] News on May 21, today, blogger @ Shangguanzheng broke the news on Weibo that Xiaohongshu has long been involved in illegal activities such as sending out children for adoption and adopting children, selling birth certificates and registering for household registration, which has attracted widespread attention.

In the afternoon,"Little Red Book Is Broken" appeared on the hot search on Weibo, ranking first on the hot search list. As of press time, the number of Weibo readings on this topic exceeded 1.9 billion.

In response, Xiaohongshu's official account "Potato Butler" urgently issued the "Governance Announcement on Illegal Adoption Contents", saying that spreading "adopting and sending out children for adoption" is illegal. According to the Xiaohongshu governance rules, the platform prohibits all content that "evades formal legal procedures to send out or adopt children for adoption", and will be strictly removed once illegal content is discovered.

Xiaohongshu pointed out that the platform verification found that there were comments violating regulations under some notes, and relevant comments have been removed from the shelves, and the platform will continue to clean up the illegal content in the station. At present, the platform has transferred the reporting information to relevant departments.

At present, Xiaohongshu can be accessed normally.

According to the blogger @ shangguan zhengyi, Xiaohongshu has long had illegal activities such as sending out children for adoption, adopting children, selling birth certificates and registering for household registration; even if a fetus is still in the womb, it has already publicly booked "adoption" here. These adoptions are actually money transactions with clear prices.

@ Shangguan Zhengyi pointed out,"They publish information through public posts, topics, comments, etc.; some engage in the release of illegal information under articles related to legal popularization." "Among them, there are also frauds under the banner of adoption and sale of birth certificates."

Although Xiaohongshu has responded to this, netizens still expressed shock at such phenomena on Xiaohongshu. In the announcement message area of Xiaohongshu's official account "Potato Butler", some users said that it was "shocking""Only when things get big, why do you need to take care of them?" "Selling goods is illegal, but selling children openly is not illegal. What kind of world is it? Who reviews it? Just stare at the mobile phone number for review."

The following is the full text of Xiaohongshu's announcementfreeeuropeanroulette

Xiaohongshu's governance announcement on illegal adoption violations

Recently, Potato Butler received feedback from netizens that some users posted illegal information about "adopting children" in the comment area.

It is illegal to spread "adopting or sending out children for adoption". According to the Xiaohongshu governance rules, the platform prohibits all content that "evades formal legal procedures to send out or adopt children for adoption", and will be strictly removed once illegal content is discovered.

The platform verification found that there were comments violating regulations under some notes, and relevant comments have been removed from the shelves. The platform will continue to clean up the illegal content in the station. At present, the platform has transferred the reporting information to relevant departments.

If you find any content that you want to send or adopt a child by circumventing formal legal procedures, please report it to the platform in a timely manner. The platform will quickly handle it after verification. (Zhou Xiaobai)

freeeuropeanroulette| The little red book collapsed! The platform was exposed to adopt children. Official emergency response