acephcom| What items are usually included in the free first insurance service for new cars?

2024-05-15 0 Comments

For newly purchased carsAcephcomAs far as car owners are concerned, the first insurance free service is an important right. The first insurance is usually carried out after a certain mileage or time of a new car, which varies from model to model and manufacturer. The first insurance can not only ensure the normal operation of the vehicle, but also help the car owner to better understand the performance and maintenance needs of the vehicle. The following are the items that are usually included in the free service of new car first insurance.Acephcom:

The free service describes the replacement of oil and oil filter elements, which is the most routine item in the first insurance, mainly to remove the metal particles produced by the new car during the running-in period to ensure the cleanliness and performance of the engine. Checking the brake system includes checking the brake disc, brake disc, brake fluid, etc., to ensure the normal operation of the brake system and ensure the safety of driving. Check the suspension system to check the suspension system components such as shock absorbers and suspension springs to ensure the stability of the vehicle and reduce the bumps in the driving process. Check the tire wear, air pressure, dynamic balance, etc., to ensure that the tire is in good condition and improve driving safety and comfort. Checking the electronic system includes checking the dashboard, navigation system, sound system and other electronic equipment of the vehicle to ensure its normal operation. Check the lighting system to check whether all kinds of lights (including headlights, fog lights, turn signals, etc.) are working properly to ensure driving safety. Check the emission system check ternary catalytic converters, oxygen sensors and other emission system components to ensure that vehicle emissions meet environmental standards.

It should be noted that the contents of the first insurance free service for different brands and models may be different, and car owners should carry out the first insurance in accordance with the regulations of the vehicle manufacturer. If the car owner has any questions about the first insurance, you can consult the customer service of the car seller or manufacturer.

In addition, the first insurance is not only for the inspection and replacement of some parts, but also a good opportunity for car owners to communicate with maintenance technicians. Car owners can learn about the performance characteristics, maintenance cycle, maintenance matters needing attention of the vehicle from the technician, and make a more appropriate maintenance plan for their own car.

acephcom| What items are usually included in the free first insurance service for new cars?