
2024-05-06 0 Comments

Jingu shares (002488) issued a share buyback announcement on May 6th.GrandjackpotThe company plans to complete the share repurchase plan from May 6, 2024 to October 28, 2024.GrandjackpotThe repurchase price is no more than 7.Grandjackpot.85 yuan per share, the total repurchase amount shall not exceed RMB 6000GrandjackpotIf the full repurchase is made and calculated according to the upper limit of the total repurchase amount and the price of the repurchased shares, it is estimated that the number of shares that can be repurchased will not exceed 7.6433 million, and the maximum number of shares to be repurchased shall account for 0.77% of the total share capital of the company. The specific number of repurchased shares shall be based on the number of shares actually repurchased at the expiration of the repurchase period or upon termination of the repurchase.


The announcement said that based on the confidence in the company's sustained and stable development in the future and the recognition of the company's value, in order to further establish and improve the company's long-term incentive mechanism, attract and retain outstanding talents, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of all shareholders of the company, promote the stable and healthy development of the company, combined with the company's main business development prospects and financial situation It is suggested that the company should use its own funds to buy back the RMB common shares (A shares) issued by the company through centralized bidding, which can be used for equity incentive or employee stock ownership plan. If the company fails to carry out the above purpose within 36 months after the completion of the share repurchase, or if the repurchased shares are not fully used for the above purpose, the unused part will be cancelled in accordance with the law. If the state makes adjustments to the relevant policies, the relevant repurchase programs shall be implemented in accordance with the adjusted policies.

The stock code is abbreviated as the repurchase shares on the date of the announcement. The latest maximum repurchase price per share (unit: yuan) the total amount of funds to be repurchased (unit: ten thousand yuan) the maximum number of shares to be repurchased (unit: ten thousand shares) the proportion of the number of shares to be repurchased to the total share capital of the company 002488 on May 6, 2024, Jingu shares 7.856000.00764.330.77% (: he