lexopoker| Low-altitude economy doubled and bullish stocks are on the list! List of hot stocks with the top number of surveys conducted by reception institutions in April

2024-05-05 0 Comments

  财联社5月4日讯(编辑 宣林)据Choice数据统计,截至4月30日收盘,沪深京三市4月(4lexopoker.1-4.30)共1040家上市公司接受机构调研。具体来看,接待机构调研次数最多的上市公司为顺络电子达9次,华明装备、道通科技、深南电路、长虹美菱并列第二达8次,中控技术、驰宏锌锗、泰嘉股份、广电运通、新风光并列第六为7次,详见下图:



lexopoker| Low-altitude economy doubled and bullish stocks are on the list! List of hot stocks with the top number of surveys conducted by reception institutions in April





Shares of Tiantian and Defense, a low-altitude economic concept, have risen 87% so far on April 1. The company is guided by military and civilian needs, and the layout has low-altitude related business. In the business direction of military equipment, the layout includes low-altitude close defense, intelligent three-dimensional border and coastal defense, key area air defense, comprehensive perception of battlefield environment, and so on. Core products include: man-portable air defense missile combat command system series, field communication command system and other products. In the direction of low-altitude air traffic control support business, the layout includes low-altitude flight service support, aviation emergency rescue and other services. the core products include: low-altitude radar for air surveillance and command, integrated navigation operation support system, navigable flight service station, general airport mobile tower vehicle, navigation company operation platform, UAV flight assistance system, etc. Among them, general airport mobile tower trolley, aviation emergency mobile tower trolley, low-altitude flight service (station) system and other products have sales or rental contracts.LexopokerThe aviation emergency flight service guarantee platform and the 5G air traffic control service communication access platform have been verified in the application environment; low-altitude surveillance radar and scene surveillance radar are the innovative achievements of the State Ministry of Science and Technology and the Civil Aviation Administration of China respectively. The verification of the navigable airport has been completed.

Polaroid shares, which superimpose the dual concepts of new materials and photoresist, have risen 125% since April 1. Baolidi said in the institutional research announcement released on April 8th that covalent organic framework materials are popular research materials in academic circles. Yaoke New Materials (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. based on the molten green synthesis technology developed by Professor Zhang Zhenjie of Nankai University, can prepare COFs materials under solvent-free green synthesis conditions, and has achieved small-scale, pilot-scale and ton production of COFs and other new materials. Many series of COFs super adsorbent products successfully developed by Yaoke have application value in nuclear waste treatment, water pollutant removal, VOCs treatment and other fields, and can provide efficient, economical and environmentally friendly solutions for environmental protection companies, resin companies, pharmaceutical companies and biotechnology companies. In addition, Polaroid said on the interactive platform on July 31, 2023 that Polaroid has successfully developed a red nano-color paste, which can be used in the field of photoresist. At present, the company has completed some photoresist sample verification, and is carrying out multi-batch, repeatability, stability and other application tests.

Feinan Resources, which is mainly engaged in hazardous waste disposal business and recycling business of renewable resources, said in an institutional research announcement disclosed on April 29 that the Guangxi Feinan Project was completed in 2023, mainly expanding the hazardous waste market such as copper-containing sludge in Guangxi, and concentrated production of nickel powder mainly based on nickel metal to build a complete industrial chain. At present, the post-resource production line has been put into trial operation, producing nickel powder and copper powder and realizing sales in the first quarter of 2024. In terms of project reserve, Guangdong Mingnan project, a holding subsidiary, has a planned hazardous waste disposal capacity of 150000 tons per year, which mainly disposes of waste incineration fly ash, incineration residue and industrial solid waste containing copper and nickel. At present, the project is carrying out site formation and other related work. Ganzhou Feinan Project Planning Resources, a holding subsidiary, comprehensively utilizes industrial waste salt of 400000 tons per year, producing sodium chloride, sodium sulfate, caustic soda, liquid chlorine, hydrochloric acid and other resource products, further extending the resource chain and improving the industrial layout. At present, the project has obtained the project land and is going through the pre-construction formalities.