crashbandicootnintendo64| The new real estate policy has immediate results! Property market activity in many places has steadily increased

2024-05-23 0 Comments

Early trading on May 23crashbandicootnintendo64, A-shares opened slightly lower and continued to decline. The real estate sector was among the top losers. The real estate ETF Huaxia (515060) is now down nearly 2%, and the rest of the same track ETFs have fallen more than 2%. Among recent hot stocks,crashbandicootnintendo64I love that my family fell more than 2%, Poly Development fell more than 3%, and Vanke A fell nearly 2%.

crashbandicootnintendo64| The new real estate policy has immediate results! Property market activity in many places has steadily increased

Since the end of April, favorable real estate policies from the central government to local governments have continued. Especially in mid-May, the "three arrows" such as lowering the down payment ratio, abolishing the lower interest rate limit, and lowering the provident fund interest rate have been launched together. The current mortgage policy has become more relaxed than in 2016. According to Kerrey's statistics, in the past week (5crashbandicootnintendo64.13-5crashbandicootnintendo64.19) Transaction data in key 65 cities increased by 17% compared with the weekly average in April. Judging from project visits and subscriptions, market activity in many places has steadily increased.

Soochow Securities believes that last week, ministries and commissions jointly launched a package of real estate policies. On the demand side: reducing residents 'purchase costs and promoting the work of guaranteeing the delivery of buildings to boost residents' confidence; on the supply side: digesting existing housing to control potential supply in the future. Policies at both ends are expected to form a joint force to gradually restore the supply-demand relationship in the real estate market to a healthy state and stabilize market price expectations. With the gradual implementation of policies, the fundamentals of real estate sales are expected to bottom out and stabilize.