playgamegetcrypto| Suddenly, 29% of Evergrande Motors will be acquired! The 10-trillion-level market welcomes good results, and 7 concept stocks are optimistic about institutions

2024-05-27 0 Comments

A 29% stake in Evergrande will be acquired immediately.

On May 26, Evergrande announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that 31Playgamegetcrypto.4.5 billion potential shares for sale (all issued shares)PlaygamegetcryptoAbout 29% of) will be acquired immediately, and 3.203 billion potential shares for sale (accounting for approximately 29.5% of all issued shares) will be the subject of an option for potential buyers for a certain period of time after the date of the Sale and purchase Agreement. The Company will apply to the Stock Exchange for the resumption of trading in the shares of the Company on the Stock Exchange with effect from 9: 00 a.m. on 27 May 2024.

According to the announcement, Evergrande has learned that on 16 May, the joint and individual liquidators entered into terms and conditions with an independent third party buyer (collectively referred to as the "potential buyer") and on behalf of China Evergrande Group (in liquidation), Evergrande Health Industry Group Co., Ltd., Acelin Global Limited (collectively referred to as the "potential seller"). Accordingly, the potential seller and the potential buyer may enter into a final agreement on the sale and purchase of shares in the company held by the potential seller.

Data show that the three major shareholders of Evergrande, Evergrande Health, Evergrande Group and Acelin Global Limited, hold a total of 58.5% of Evergrande shares. The announcement revealed that potential buyers will immediately acquire 29% of Evergrande's shares held by the three major shareholders, while the remaining 29.5% are likely to continue to be acquired in the future.

Before the suspension, Evergrande had a total market capitalization of HK $4.121 billion. By the end of 2023, the company had accumulated losses of 110.841 billion yuan.

Cross-border e-commerce is booming

Recently, the executive meeting of the State Council examined and approved the opinions on expanding the export of cross-border e-commerce and promoting the construction of overseas warehouses. The meeting made it clear that it is necessary to actively cultivate cross-border e-commerce operators, encourage local governments to support traditional foreign trade enterprises to develop cross-border e-commerce based on their unique advantages, strengthen the training of cross-border e-commerce personnel, provide enterprises with more display and docking platforms, and continue to promote brand building.

playgamegetcrypto| Suddenly, 29% of Evergrande Motors will be acquired! The 10-trillion-level market welcomes good results, and 7 concept stocks are optimistic about institutions

Industry insiders believe that the adoption of the "opinion" is of positive significance for strengthening the construction of overseas warehouses, optimizing the layout of overseas warehouses, and supporting the upgrading of processing trade.

This year, "new quality productivity" has become a hot word, and the development of cross-border e-commerce, overseas warehouses and other foreign trade new business type is undoubtedly an important form of foreign trade new quality productivity.

According to data released by the Ministry of Commerce a few days ago, the national online retail sales from January to April was 4.41 trillion yuan, an increase of 11.5 percent over the same period last year, of which the online retail sales of physical goods was 3.74 trillion yuan, an increase of 11.1 percent over the same period last year, accounting for 23.9 percent of the total retail sales of consumer goods. The proportion of cross-border e-commerce exports in goods trade exports has increased steadily.

In recent years, cross-border e-commerce has achieved rapid development, and central and local policies continue to increase support for cross-border e-commerce. At the central level, a series of supporting measures have been launched, such as simplifying customs clearance procedures and optimizing tax policies, such as the announcement on tax policies on Cross-border E-commerce exports and returned goods, and several measures on accelerating the Development of domestic and Foreign Trade Integration.

At the same time, local governments have also sent gift packages to optimize the business environment. For example, Shanghai supports the joint construction and sharing of overseas warehouses, encourages small and medium-sized enterprises of cross-border e-commerce to lease overseas warehouses to "go out to sea"; Chengdu, Sichuan, has a maximum reward of 5 million yuan, and "real gold and silver" supports the high-quality development of cross-border e-commerce.

The agency expects cross-border e-commerce in 2025

The market size will exceed 10 trillion yuan.

According to iResearch, the cross-border e-commerce market has a compound annual growth rate of 25.1% from 2017 to 2022, and the market size is expected to exceed 10 trillion yuan by 2025.

According to the data of the Ministry of Commerce, there are 645000 enterprises with import and export achievements in 2023, including more than 100000 cross-border e-commerce entities.

The unique advantages of made in China and the strong demand in overseas markets have created a number of A-share cross-border e-commerce "pioneers".

In 2021, Huakai Yibai transformed its cross-border export e-commerce business through asset mergers and acquisitions and the contraction and adjustment of its original main business. In 2022 and 2023, the company realized a total net profit of 549 million yuan, reversing the loss in the previous two years. Recently, the company announced that it plans to take Tongtuo technology, a "cross-border big seller", into its pocket with 700 million yuan, and further increase its cross-border e-commerce business.

Cross-border Tong said on the interactive platform that the company's business model is cross-border e-commerce import business and cross-border e-commerce export business, of which cross-border e-commerce import business accounts for 92.2% of the company's business income; cross-border e-commerce export business accounts for 6.97% of the company's business income.

Ka-shing International said that the company plans to set up overseas warehouses abroad to consolidate the company's cross-border e-commerce full-link integrated service advantages.

Low-valued cross-border e-commerce stocks

According to the statistics of the Securities Times, as of the latest data, 27 cross-border e-commerce concept stocks have fallen nearly 15% so far this year. Only Huatu Shanding, Senma clothing (002563), small Commodity City (600415), Bohai Ferry (603167), Anke Innovation, good News Bird (002154) rose.

In terms of valuation, more than half of the concept stocks have a rolling price-to-earnings ratio of less than 30 times. Good news bird rolling price-to-earnings ratio of 11.89 times, the lowest valuation.

Senma clothing rolling price-to-earnings ratio of less than 15 times, the company continued the rise in 2023 in the first quarter, achieving a net profit of 346 million yuan, an increase of 11.4% over the same period last year. The company has made bets on overseas markets in recent years. In April 2023, Sema Garment set up an overseas division to expand the Asian market and explore the African market. In September of the same year, the company held its first overseas agent customer meeting, and Barabara opened its first store in Singapore in December.

According to the consensus forecasts of more than five institutions, the net profit growth of Huatu Shanding, Langzi shares (002612), Huakai Yibai, Saiwei Times, Jihong shares (002803), Chao Acer (002345) and focus Technology (002315) is expected to exceed 20 per cent this year and next.

The one with the highest institutional attention is Chao Acer, which is covered by 32 brokerage research reports. Chao Acer invests in Laramy to enter the fast-growing field of cross-border e-commerce and explore emerging business models. In the first quarter, the company had 44 institutional positions, with an institutional position ratio of nearly 54%.